Where is it worth buying an investment apartment?

One of the most attractive ways to start investing in real estate is to buy an investment apartment. In this article, we’ll look together at the key factors to consider before buying a property to make buying an investment apartment profitable. Determination, careful research and well thought out decisions can yield positive results. I have been providing my clients with properties abroad with the lowest risk for many years. Do you want to own an investment apartment and have passive rental income? Don’t hesitate to contact me to arrange a no-obligation consultation. I will help you realise your dream. With me, real estate investing is safe, easy, and worry-free.

Where is it worth buying an investment apartment?

Determining demand and supply

Before you decide to buy an investment apartment, it is important to understand the supply and demand of the property market in your region or country of choice. Analyse statistics that show the state of the property market, and whether there is interest in renting apartments in the area. Some locations may have a higher demand for rental housing units than others.

Stability of the market

One of the key factors for buying an investment apartment is market stability. If the region or country you are planning to buy property in is stable and has a growing economy, this is a good signal for your investment potential. A stable market can mean less risk and more stability for your investment. My clients and I choose investment properties in England because the country has a stable and continuously growing market.


Pozornost věnujte také lokalitě bytu. Ideální je část města, která je oblíbená mezi nájemníky. Ve Vámi vybrané destinaci se zajímejte o místní infrastrukturu a dostupné služby. Zjistěte, jak daleko od nemovitosti je veřejná doprava, lékařské zařízení, škola, obchod a další důležitá místa. Důkladné prozkoumání okolí Vám pomůže při rozhodování, zda je pro Vás daná lokalita ta pravá.

Cena nemovitosti

Správná cena nemovitosti je klíčová pro úspěšnou investici. Důkladně prozkoumejte cenový vývoj v dané lokalitě a porovnávejte ceny podobných nemovitosti. Dejte si pozor na to, abyste byt nepřeplatili, nemusel by dosáhnou očekávaných výnosů.

Možnost budoucího rozvoje

Investujte do lokality, která má potenciál pro budoucí rozvoj. Plánované projekty infrastruktury, revitalizace čtvrtí a nové investice mohou v budoucnu pozitivně ovlivnit hodnotu Vašeho investičního bytu.

Náklady na údržbu

Při koupi bytu myslete i na náklady za údržbu nemovitosti. Starší byty, u kterých je potřeba větších oprav, mohou mít vyšší náklady na udržení. U novějších bytů jsou naopak náklady na správu nemovitosti nižší, ale o to vyšší může být pořizovací cena nemovitosti.

Financování investice

Ujasněte si, jak chcete svou investici financovat. Můžete využít vlastních finančních prostředků nebo zvážit hypoteční úvěr. Důkladně promyslete, jaké jsou Vaše možnosti a jaký vliv bude mít financování na Vaše náklady a výnosy. V některých případech nepotřebuje klient žádné prostředky na pořízení bytu, tudíž ušetřené nebo půjčené peníze může využít jinak.

Riziko a zhodnocení investice

Každá investice nese určité riziko. Berte v úvahu možné scénáře a spočítejte, jak by se Vaše investice zachovala v různých situacích. Pečlivě zvažte, zda jste připraveni nést případné ztráty a jaká je pravděpodobnost, že dosáhnete očekávaného zhodnocení.

Daňové úlevy a povinnosti

Informujte se, jaké daňové úlevy nebo povinnosti jsou spojeny s investováním do nemovitostí. Správné zohlednění daňových aspektů může výrazně ovlivnit Vaše celkové náklady a výnosy z investice. Investiční nemovitosti v Anglii mají řadu výhod a mým klientům pomáhám i s těmito povinnostmi.

Dlouhodobá strategie

Investice do nemovitosti by měla být chápána jako dlouhodobá strategie. Nepředpokládejte rychlé zisky, ale plánujte dlouhodobě a s realistickými očekáváními.

Sledování vývoje

Po zakoupení nemovitosti nezapomeňte pravidelně sledovat vývoj trhu a hodnoty Vašeho bytu. Můžete tak reagovat včas na změny a optimalizovat svou investici.

Bezpečnost a pojištění

Zvažte také bezpečnost své investice. Pojistěte svůj byt proti rizikům, která mohou nastat. Chraňte svou nemovitost před požárem, povodní nebo vandalismem.


My advice would be to for you to pay attention to the location of the apartment. An area of town that is popular with tenants is ideal. In your chosen destination, be interested in the local infrastructure and services available. Find out how far public transport, medical facilities, schools, shops and other important places are from the property. Thoroughly researching the area will help you decide if the location is right for you.

Price of the property

The right property price is crucial for a successful investment. Thoroughly research the price trends in the area and compare prices of similar properties. Be careful not to overpay for the apartment, as it might not achieve the expected returns.

Possibility of future development

Invest in a location that has potential for future development. Planned infrastructure projects, neighborhood revitalisation, and new investments can positively affect the value of your investment apartment in the future.

Maintenance costs

When buying a home, think about the cost of maintaining the property. Older apartments that need major repairs may have higher maintenance costs. Newer apartments, on the other hand, have lower property maintenance costs, but the purchase price of the property may be that much higher.

Financing the investment

Be clear about how you want to finance your investment. You can use your own funds, or consider a mortgage loan. Think carefully about what your options are and how the financing will affect your costs and returns. In some cases, the client does not need any funds to purchase the home, so the money saved or borrowed can be used in other ways.

Risk and appreciation of the investment

Every investment carries some risk. Consider possible scenarios and calculate how your investment would perform in different situations. Carefully consider whether you are prepared to bear any losses, and how likely you are to achieve the expected return.

Tax reliefs and obligations

Find out what tax reliefs or liabilities are associated with investing in property. Proper consideration of the tax aspects can significantly affect your overall costs and returns on your investment. There are several advantages to having an investment property in England, and I utilise my years of experience to guide clients through these aspects seamlessly.

Long-term strategy

Investing in property should be seen as a long-term strategy. Don’t assume quick gains, but plan for the long term with realistic expectations.

Monitor developments

Once you have purchased a property, be sure to regularly monitor the market and the value of your home. This way you can react in time to changes and optimise your investment.

Safety and insurance

It’s important to prioritize the security of your investment. This involves obtaining comprehensive insurance coverage for your apartment to mitigate potential risks like fire, flood, or vandalism. This proactive step will safeguard your property and provide you with peace of mind.

Work with professionals

The time it takes to achieve a return on a property investment varies depending on many factors. It depends on the location, the type of property, and the current property market. Some investments can achieve an increase in value within a few years, while other properties take longer. Many times, my clients ask me right at the beginning whether it’s better to rent a property for the long term or to buy and quickly sell it. I always tell them that the choice really depends on their plans and financial goals. Renting out a property can provide a steady income over time, while selling a property offers a one-time profit that comes in quickly. I have been in the real estate market for many years and have helped my clients build a successful diversified portfolio. If you would like to learn more about investing in real estate abroad, please do not hesitate to contact me. Feel free to schedule a consultation with me, where we can discuss your requirements without any obligations. I’ll facilitate a secure and verified overseas property purchase tailored to your preferences. Whether you’re a complete beginner in real estate or an experienced investor, I’ll help you reach your goals.
England, where it pays to buy an investment apartment

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